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About Me

I think of therapy as a gift you are giving to yourself as well as to those closest to you. It is a way to take time for ourselves and slow down in the midst of our busy lives, and practice being mindful and living in the present. It is a space for deeper self-exploration, and a tool to manage more acute symptoms and stressors.

This practice is especially crucial on the journey to parenthood and beyond, including: fertility struggles, pregnancy loss, pregnancy anxiety and depression, postpartum anxiety, depression, and adjustment, and navigating parenthood.

My Education and Experience

I received my Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and my Master’s of Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. Prior to opening my private practice, I worked with children and families in school settings as a school social worker.

Through my own experience with infertility, and subsequently becoming a mother, I discovered the need for more awareness of and support for women on the journey to parenthood. I have advanced specialized training in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders through Postpartum Support International, EMDR training for Perinatal Mental Health Practitioners through the Touchstone Institute, and 85-hour training in prenatal and postnatal yoga through Sweet Momma Yoga.  I am a big believer in the relationship between yoga and mental health, and like to incorporate aspects of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness into my therapy practice whenever appropriate.

Together we can acknowledge the struggles that so commonly arise during this phase of life in an approachable, relatable, and relaxed environment. Using a blend of therapeutic techniques, I can help you gain confidence, support and coping skills, and feel empowered.

Reach out to me today!

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